SKU: 38070543

Cord Monitor 5/16″ – 3/8″ Ring

Vehicle Charge system : LED arrow mode activates when charge voltage reaches minimum 13.5V (v green LED) or ideal range of 14V+ (vv green LED); 4 LEDs cover ‘full to empty’ voltage range of all 12V batteries, including higher voltage AGM for power sport (4th vv LED = 12.7V ); Monitor charge of stored power sport vehicle 12V lead-acid battery or confirm if the vehicle charging system is working correctly; 2 automatic Modes – Battery charge level monitor (single LED blink mode) & Charging system test (arrow mode); Battery charge level : LED matching charge level blinks every 3 seconds (long term draw less than 0.2mA); 5A fuse with 5/16″ / M8 ringlets


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Mike Miller and his crew have always taken care of me. I recommend all my buddies to him, and have always heard good things from the guys I’ve recommended. Millerbuilt is the best in the business!


I’ve been using Millerbuilt for the last 5 years now, and they have always been amazing! I recommend anyone who’s looking for aftermarket accessories, parts, or repair to look no further Mike and his crew!

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